Hi there! My name is Duncan, I am a recent graduate from Queen's University and am currently looking for all sorts of jobs within the industry. I love getting experience in areas that I've never explored before, though my goal for the end of this year is to get as many hours as possible toward IATSE 667's Camera Trainee Program. I love collaborating with people and learning as much as I can about professional, commercial, and independent filmmaking and strive to be as creative as possible even outside of work. Please refer to my resume and website portfolio listed below for more information: Resume: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17aHMcxu5UY-O5sccWIgQYcZNKQ2GtyrP/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114495498849488173266&rtpof=true&sd=true Portfolio: https://glancyduncan.wixsite.com/portfolio