Skill: Graphic Designing
Gig Project Project Leader Hours Skills Accuracy Feedback
Film Poste... Film Poster Designer - Freelancer Jana Holland 10 Rating: 80 Good for what we needed. Trust to do way more than was asked.
Graphic De... Graphic Designer - Short Film Project Ben Rahmaty 10 Rating: 100 Trust to do way more than was asked. Good for what we needed. Fantastic quality. Very little gui...
Graphic De... Graphic Designer Amanda Bello 15 Rating: 100 Trust to do way more than was asked. Good for what we needed. Very little guidance needed.
Graphic De... Graphic Designer Jade Williamson 80


No feedback submitted

Typography... Animation Graphic Designer - Typography Andrew Dworkin 15 Rating: 100 Trust to do way more than was asked. Good for what we needed. Fantastic quality. Very little gui...