Skill: Film Production Process
Gig Project Project Leader Hours Skills Accuracy Feedback
1st AD 1st AD Finley Pritchard 18 Rating: 100 Trust to do way more than was asked.
1st AD 1st AD Adrian McDonald 40 Rating: 100 Trust to do way more than was asked. Good for what we needed. Fantastic quality.
1st AD Horror Film Crew Ashlee Graham 50 Rating: 100 Trust to do way more than was asked.
1st AD Feature Film Crew Vanessa Jones 40 Rating: 100 Good for what we needed.
1st AD Film Crew Needed Ben Rahmaty 20 Rating: 100

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1st AD Short Film Derek Canes 60 Rating: 80 Good for what we needed.
1st AD Film Crew Philip Scarff 48 Rating: 80 Trust to do way more than was asked.
1st AD Short Film Crew Dave Pascu 72


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1st AD Crew - Horror Film Jessica McDonell 80 Rating: 80 Trust to do way more than was asked. Good for what we needed.