Skill: Film Production Process
Gig Project Project Leader Hours Skills Accuracy Feedback
Boom Oper... Boom Operator Mark Martens 40 Rating: 100

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Boom Opera... Feature Film - Crew Ronnie Tate 20 Rating: 100 Scott is a skilled boom operator! He is hardworking and completed the assigned task on time.
Boom Opera... Short Film Crew Jakub Walker 20 Rating: 80 Trust to do way more than was asked.
Boom Opera... Boom Operator Danny Nath 20 Rating: 80 Good for what we needed. Trust to do way more than was asked. Fantastic quality. Oversold their ...
Boom Opera... Crew - Adventure Film Jordan Jackson 120 Rating: 80 Trust to do way more than was asked.
Boom Opera... Crewing Up! Jessica McDonell 30


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