An adult animated series about a short fuse car mechanic named Zack who is trying to save his dying auto shop business being handed down to him by his dinosaur aged father and clueless mother. Zack proclaiming his father a selfish bastard for handing him the business in shambles, hires a young plucky marketing guru named Elliot to help turn his fortune around. The series follows Zack and Elliot as there is a ying yang dynamic between two. Zack is always making high risk maximum overdrive decisions while Elliot acts as the annoying backseat driver telling his overzealous boss what he's doing is wrong...or completely stupid.
Gig | Contributor | Hours | Skills | Date | Location | Payout/Bid | Status |
Zack |
No Contributor |
4.0 | Dec 06, 2024 | Markham, Ontario, Canada | $200 | Seeking People |