On an external HD I have assembled over one hundred or so JPEGs of screen shots from the shady internet These are of bedrooms, main rooms, sofas and outside shots all backgrounds that exist when the performer walks off stage so to speak. The format is a visual medium ~not a play. What remains is a strange House and Gardens. I want to find a person whom finds this of interest has the skills and patience to EDIT & assemble them in an collaborative fashion .So colour, complexity , patterns, fabrics and some scattered sex toys ( colour balance doesn’t matter for each has its own tone) I have the raw materials but not programmes or skill to bring the images to life one still at a time. There is no time-line & there is no budget . Just another idea once completed would be good for ones portfolio. Keith If this sounds like something of interest. Let me know .
Gig | Contributor | Hours | Skills | Date | Location | Payout/Bid | Status |
Empty-rooms Edit |
No Contributor |
0.0 | Jul 01, 2016 | Toronto, Ontario, Canada | $0 | Seeking People |