Golio organizes productions, tying all key gig info together.
Seamlessly book, manage and pay talent.
Profiles allow talent to apply to gigs in a click.
Gigs create credit: Book work, do the work, earn money, build your profile.
Profiles highlight each user's work inside the platform.
Talent applies to postings in a single click, linking track records and references.
Project management has never been easier:
Golio helps manage deadlines, docs, deliverables and invoices.
Credit is automatic and seamless!
Edit in Adobe CC and get credit for Adobe experience...
Collaboration runs smoother on Golio.
Clarity - Better Projects
Specificity matters. Who, what, when--you need these details!
Credit - Brighter Future
Profiles grow as work is completed. Golio profiles are designed to support creatives through their entire career.
Projects staff quicker. No more rolodexes. Roles are easy to post & share.
Work outside Your Network
Spend more time working and less networking. Opportunities are shared with the greater world.
Integrated Platform
Golio gigs tie together booking, managing, invoicing and references.
Manage multiple projects and teams through a single portal.
Reciprocal Kudos
Leaders & teams exchange kudos. Vouching for people is great for your soul and helps you attract talent in the future.
Golio helps you take the leap from team member to team leader.
No experience leading? No problem! Golio gives you a framework.
Golio makes it easy to navigate the 6-degrees of separation. E.g. reconnect with that great makeup artist from the shoot in the fall.